Saturday, March 7, 2009


The setting in The Inheritance of Loss takes place in India and New York City. Sai, lives with her grandfather, the judge, on Mount Kanchenjunga in the Himalayas. She lives in more of a run down area with not many things to do. The other part of the story about Biju, the judges son, takes place in New York City. Traveling from restaurant to restaurant, Biju takes us to all parts of New York. From the most elite parts of town to the most run down. The setting is an important part to the novel because it really differentiates culture from India and America. Everything is so much more fast paced in the American setting, and so much more slower in the Indian setting. Also, there seems to be a lot more danger in India than in America. With it's essence there is a way to feel sorry for the characters because of the place they live in.  


  1. Although the two settings have many differences they also have many similarities as well. The similarities are drawn from Sai and Biju, they both have a striving for improvement.

  2. Why is it that you think that the American setting moves so much more rapidly than the Indian plot line?

  3. I think that the american setting seems to move at a quicker pace because we're seeing it through Biju's eyes and everything is so new and different to him. Whereas in India, it's what Sai is used to so it doesn't seem to be as overwhelming.

  4. Yeah, that's a really good point. I agree!!!
