Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Setting of The Inheritance of Loss

One setting in the novel is in India, and the time period ranges, depending on if it is a flashback or if it is present day. Another setting in the novel is New York, New York, generally, present day. I think that I find both settings engaging and interesting for different reasons. I find the Indian plot line interesting because the it was something that I wasn't used to and I also found that the cultural splash exciting and engaging. One example of this cultural splash would be the criminals they encounter at the beginning of the book. The interesting thing that I like in the New York setting was the diversity of characters and specific settings. The different jobs that Biju takes show us the diversity of this country, and the different kinds of people in the world. The diversity of people is also present in the Indian settings. I find that the settings provide certain qualities are brought out of Biju and Sai, their situations provide for development and revealing of characteristics. I'm anxious to see what will happen in both settings and I'm expecting change. 


  1. Katherine... did you find any other similarities in the settings?

  2. Which setting did you find more interesting?

  3. I find both settings interesting because, India is a place I'm not really fermiliar with and it's interesting to learn the cultures of India and the landscape of where Sai is living. New York is interesting because we get to see it through Biju's eyes. We get to see it through someone who's an immigrant and experiencing new things and ideas.
